是非是非 WEB通話しましょう!!
Let's make a WEB call by all means! !!
Feel free to talk to me! !!
I think the most important thing in making a work is how the viewer reacts when he sees his work.
I am making amazing things and works that I want to see for a long time.
In addition, it is a work that makes you want to decorate the room, a work that makes you want to accent the space, and a work that creates conversations and makes your life feel better. doing.
Born in 1973, from Shizuoka prefecture
I mainly use ballpoint pens to create works.
His style is mainly fine miniatures, but he produces various works such as those with high pop and those with strong artistic color. He also draws long lines with a ballpoint pen and stacks them to create a unique three-dimensional expression.
He participates in gallery solo exhibitions and overseas art fairs in Japan and overseas. In addition, he produces various goods based on his own work and exhibits them at national craft fairs for sale.
受賞歴 アワガミ国際ミニプリント展 入選
2014 ギャラリー未来 個展 グループ展 静岡
2015 年 静岡空港展示 静岡
2016 イエローパッション 個展 静岡
アートルネッサンス アートフェスティバル参加 静岡
2017 HIVE Gallery フィーチャーアーティストとして展示 アメリカ ロサンゼルス
SEBONE アートフェスティバル参加 愛知
2018 RYUギャラリー 個展・二人展 静岡
平八郎ミュージアム 個展 愛知
テグアートフェア参加 韓国 大邱
REDDOTアートフェア参加 アメリカ マイアミ
2019 東京妙案ギャラリー個展 東京白金台
BAMAアートフェア参加 韓国 釜山
2020 BAMAアートフェア参加 韓国 釜山
エディオンなんば本店 展示販売 大阪
2021 銀座三越 個展 東京 銀座
Solo exhibition, group exhibition, art fair, art festival
2014 Gallery Future Solo Exhibition Group Exhibition Shizuoka
2015 Shizuoka Airport Exhibition Shizuoka
2016 Yellow Passion Solo Exhibition Shizuoka
Participation in the Art Renaissance Art Festival Shizuoka
2017 HIVE Gallery Exhibited as a feature artist Los Angeles, USA
Participation in SEBONE Art Festival Aichi
2018 RYU Gallery Solo Exhibition / Two-person Exhibition Shizuoka
Heihachiro Museum Solo Exhibition Aichi
Participation in Daegu Art Fair, Daegu, South Korea
Participation in REDDOT Art Fair Miami, USA
2019 Tokyo Mysterious Plan Gallery Solo Exhibition Tokyo Shirokanedai
Participation in BAMA Art Fair, Busan, South Korea
2020 BAMA Art Fair Participation Busan, South Korea
EDION Namba Main Store Exhibition and Sales Osaka
2021 Ginza Mitsukoshi Solo Exhibition Tokyo Ginza