紀陽銀行 presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2021 ONLINE
  • [OS-14]


Thailand / タイ

  • 審査員賞
    Judge Awards
  • レビュアー賞
    Reviewer Awards
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プロフィール / Profile

On the occasion of remembering and mourning the passing of Ball Piyaluk with a collection of the artwork "Loved and Gone Series." She created during the treatment of mind and body against cancer.

Piyaluk learns to live with illness, healing and creating art along the way for the past two years through the artist's eyes.

These works will show the life force of one person who still wants to communicate and create art even in the hard times. Hope to see these works will cause a variety of feelings and thoughts to arise in the mind of audiences.

2021年、癌のためこの世を去った 故 ボール ピヤラック氏への追悼の意を、彼女の作品「Loved and Gone Series」のコレクションと共に捧げます。本作品は癌との闘病中、彼女自身の心と身体と向き合いながら制作されました。


本作品は、どんなに苦しい時でも、世の中や人々との繋がりや、アートを生み出すことを強く望むひとりの人間の生命力に溢れています。 彼女の作品をご覧いただくことで、皆様の心に様々な想いや感情が浮かぶことを願っています。


Piyaluk Benjadol is a noticeable professor and beloved artist who confront her sickness by creating arts to heal herself physically and mentally from the end of 2018 to present. Her working format depends on her physical condition during each stage of the sickness. Each artwork is elaborately created by composing her collected possessions including antiques, old toys, appliances, and more importantly, her hair. In addition, she has combined her crochet skills inspired by her mother’s knitting technic from a young age.


1998 - Present: Co-founded the Nuts Society

2006: Editor of the textbook “Packaging and Graphic Design on Packaging” published by Bangkok University.

2009: Originated the “new textbook of กขค: handwriting book” which was exhibited and published during the academic conference of “4th Silpakorn University Research Fair” at Silpakorn University.

2013: Invited speaker under the topic “Visual Rhetoric of The Construction of Beauty in Thai Alphabet Primer, Yaw Ying” in the academic conference of “Conference on Consilience and Innovation in Design” in Tokyo, Japan. Wrote an article “Gorilla Girl: The Wonder-woman of the design profession. The anonymous people who challenge the art institution and declare the return of feminism in the late 20s century ” published in Vibhasa Magazine, year 6, edition 8 (February / March).

2014: Invited speaker under the topic “The Story of Yaw Ying (ญ): How Learning Alphabet Relates to Thai Femininity Discourses?” In the “10th BITS MMXIV” at Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre. Published the article “Parasol: Visual Trope of Protection, Attraction, and Identification in Thai Womanhood Formation” in Silpakorn University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts. In the same year, Piyaluk also created “Melanie and Me” which was exhibited in “Quality Secondhand Art 2013: Re-creation” arranged by Nuts Society and VER Gallery at Wanna Kudta Gallery Bangkok and published in “2016 KSBDA Seoul International Exhibition” program arranged by Korea Society of Basic Design & Art (KSBDA). (Collection of Kanoknuch Sillapawisawakul).

2015: Invited speaker under the topic “How Learning Yor(ญ) Alphabet Constitutes Thai Femininity Discourses?” In Granshan 2015: Global Identity in Practice at University of Reading, United Kingdom.

2019: Apply some selected creative artworks from her personal project “Pin Cushion Series and Matter of Existence: ME Series” for Ubisum online exhibition arranged by Ubies, Japan.

2021: Exhibited her solo exhibition “Fragility” at PS±D Space.

明日以降もご覧いただけます。10月17日18:00までは作品購入も可能です。You can still visit the artist page after tomorrow and purchase the works until October 17, 18:00.